Who We Are

What makes us unique

Our Officers Are Trained as First Responders to Act


Many areas of our social, government and economic systems are recognizing that all problems of disruptions, theft, vandalism, assaults, etc cannot be solved through the services and resources of traditional public police agencies. An expanding and variable economic, coupled with increasing crime rates, has resulted in the police being unable to protect every area. Additionally, technological advances and innovations have created new and valuable kinds of assets and processes that are often beyond the protective and investigative capabilities of public law enforcement involvement.


Public Law Enforcement and Private Security have the same goal, the elimination of crime. While Public Law enforcement is apprehension-oriented (they usually act after the crime has already occurred), Private security is prevention-oriented. Spearhead Protection Inc. was created with this in mind and while the main goal is to prevent and deter crime, our officers are trained as first responders to act after an act has occurred.


Spearhead Protection Inc. management is comprised of trained and experience officers, heavily involved in first responder duties.


To Execute our duties in a manner that will foster trusting relation and gain support in our efforts to protect the safety and welfare of our residents. Maintain order in our community with a clear understanding of respect for human dignity and fairness for all individuals. Be responsible and sensitive to the needs and expectations of all members of our community. We shall honor that responsibility by serving all individuals equitably and free from prejudice.


Spearhead Protection Inc. was created by members involved with security and the law enforcement field who wanted to create a security company, which was unlike the average security company. Spearhead Protection Inc. conduct operations from the following perspective:


  • Spearhead Protection Inc. is a Northern California based company.
  • We provide security services for a wide-range of industries.
  • We guarantee our services.


To provide the highest level of service for our clients, Spearhead Protection Inc. requires its employees to undergo extensive background checks in a rigorous training program that typically exceeds the requirements mandated by California state laws.


We work with our clients to create and customize security procedures programmed specifically  for each location where we are in trusted with security operations. An ongoing review of the plan is done on a regular basis to ensure that our services always meet our client’s needs and requirements.


Our proactive approach allows us to respond to situations and events before they become problems. At Spearhead Protection Inc., we believe that communication is the key to excellent service.

We strive to maintain excellence, anything less is not acceptable for our clients or for us.